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Absolute Finale
Absolute Finale
ElementChaos Chaos
DescriptionThrows out an orb of primal chaos that erases the first enemy hit from existence! Enemies that cannot be erased will take heavy damage instead.
Hit Count12
Cost- Chaos gem
300 Gold

Absolute Finale is a Standard Chaos Arcana in Wizard of Legend


This arcana hurls a small chaos orb wherever you aim it. When thrown, the orb starts at a slow velocity, but picks up speed extremely fast. This arcana also knocks you back slightly upon casting it, but you cannot fall off of ledges if you are next to one when casting. Any enemy that is not a boss is immediately killed. Otherwise, this arcana does massive damage.


A strong Arcana capable of disposing off weaker enemies in one single attack, however the long 8.5 seconds of cooldown limits its usability to an eventual elemental enemy or stronger enemies blocking a pathway. The Signature spell fires a ring of chaotic spheres all around the player that behaves identically to its standard attack.

When casting as Signature, multiple projectiles can hit a single target dealing significantly more damage. Can be used for high DPS toward a Council Member or Boss if casting as close as possible to the target.

Spell combos

Item combos

  • Cruel Chess Clock Cruel Chess Clock: 50% reduction in the cooldown at the expense of lower damage. Since Absolute Finale instantly eliminates a target, this is one of the safest cursed relic to pair up with this Arcana, however, you'll struggle against Council Members and Mini-Bosses due to the damage penalty.
  • Double Toil Double Toil: Reduces the cooldown by half, but makes you take double damage. May be paired with the Limited Edition Robe Limited Edition Robe for a safer playthrough.
  • Curse Eater's Watch Curse Eater's Watch: Pairs up when picking any of the above relics, reducing the cooldown for each cursed relics currently held.
  • Elemental Pointes Elemental Pointes: Useful relic when using the Chaotic Rift Chaotic Rift dash arcana, reducing the cooldown by dashing immediately after casting an Absolute Finale orb.
  • Nocturnal Sundial Nocturnal Sundial: Helps up by adding a chance to not enter in cooldown, allowing multiple orbs to be cast in a short amount of time.
  • Tozy's Pocket Watch Tozy's Pocket Watch: Helps reducing this Arcana's long cooldown, but increases the time it takes the charge the signature arcana.

Additional notes
